Monday 21 January 2013


I am leaving the Sydney summer and surf to hit the cold northern California and freezing New York weather.  Why? I was selected by the LGMA after an extensive application /interview process to participate in the International Exchange Program.  Each year two NSW local government employees are sponsored by the 'Local Government Manager's Association' (LGMA) and the reciprocal California body 'The League of California Cities' to undertake an exchange program.  The idea is to investigate a topic in your field of expertise -  I will be looking at improvement, innovation and change management ideas and initiatives to share and bring back that may improve productivity in local government. 

It is a fitting time for local government to investigate innovative approaches to services. Councils face increasingly complex issues such as: changing demographics; changing and more challenging community and business expectations; pressures to increase and improve services and increasing fiscal restraints and reform.

My role at Warringah Council, a northern beaches Sydney council, is Business Improvement Facilitator. My home host council is San Jose City Council, capital of Silicon Valley. I am on the lookout for new and innovative approaches to improving the business of local government.  In between meetings and conferences I aim to post creative and innovative ideas I come across on a daily basis for the duration of the 3 week exchange.  I hope you enjoy them and I look forward to your comments and feedback.


  1. Good luck and have a great time Sophie - we'll be all watching your journey with our eyes transfixed to learn more.
    Regards, Louise Hardy

    1. Thanks Louise, I'll seek out as many ideas as I can find for you and the team. Cheers

  2. Jennifer Holley-Ashton23 January 2013 at 18:38

    Sophie - if you haven't already read Tom Peters book "Re-Imagine - Business Excellence in a Disruptive Age" buy it and read on the plane on the way for inspiration and ideas.

    Best of luck in finding and bringing home all those new and innovative solutions. Can't wait to see the results.

    Regards, Jennifer Holley-Ashton

  3. Hi Sophie,what an adventure you are about to take - and I suggest those Americans will not know what has hit them.
    Have a great trip and come back with even more enthusiasm. I know you will represent Warringah, LGMA, local government and Australia with great distinction.

    Best regards
    Stephen Blackadder

  4. Good luck Sophie!!

    What an adventure .. you are what the USA needs.

    Best regards
    Vicky Monck

  5. On behalf of LGMA NSW, I wish both Sophie and Ellen a safe and exciting trip to California, USA.

    I look forward to keeping up-to-date and reading about your trip and experiences as it happens.

    P.S Keep warm! It's a little chilly over there this time of year.

    Paula Braden | Membership Officer/Project Manager
    Local Government Managers Australia, New South Wales

  6. Soph, you are an incredibly innovative woman, - always been proud of you.
    PS. Happy Birthday

  7. Great opportunity Sophie!
    As we discussed I am interested in any feedback from your discussions in San Jose, New York etc on how the local levels of government support, partner and profile businesses and in turn business support / sponsorships etc role with government.Enjoy and get lots of photos!
    Paul William-Smith

    1. Thanks Paul, I will definitely look at this and get some contacts also for you. I have an appointment with a number of Director's in that economic area of councils, plus a meeting with the Mayor of Santa Cruz and Commissioner in NY City Council

  8. Hi Soph you should be just moments away from getting on that plane so bon voyage and good luck!

  9. hi soph how are you hope all is going well


  10. Sophie, it is a great opportunity and you will enjoy it thoroughly. The US hosts will treat you extremely well and I look forward to watching your adventure through your posts.



    Roger Bailey
