Tuesday 6 August 2013

Innovative Characteristics of Company's I visited

What are the positive point’s government could take on and how? Discussion at Canberra ‘unconference’

Creative Spaces / work spaces / lunch spaces
·         No booths – open plan - collaborative
·         Diverse range of spaces with plenty of options from open plan to quiet space for focused work to café-style
·         Cozy’s – smaller meeting rooms for 2
·         Plants, benches, story boards
·         Personalised spaces
·         Creative communal kitchen spaces that spark creativity and collaboration when people bump into each other
·         Space not intelligently used – out of date designs
·         Booths which block creativity
·         Tired colours
·         Confined to the same space – 1 desk
·         Corporate hierarchies
·         Little time for  idea generation

Lack well designed, carefully considered, high-performance open plan offices that have a mix of facilities and a range of meeting spaces

Need healthy interactive environments with a mixture of inspiring working spaces
Consider design and behavioural change management to assess right mix – how do we get take up for this?
Partnerships / relationships
·         Leaders
·         Traditional, Conservative
·         Leaders in some areas
·         Not a great deal of thinking outside the square regarding partnering with uni students or entrepreneurs or innovation companies
·         Keeping up instead of ‘leading the way’
Need to knock down old traditional walls
Connect with the private sector and involve them – how to promote this need though?

·         Cutting edge research
·         Collaborate up front with key segments/customers

·         No discipline or culture here. Internally councils don’t usually collaborate well and especially up front.
·         Varies – depends on individuals and business units in councils
·         Silo’s
Need to build some capacity here – what are the tools?

·         Design thinking – human centric approach
·         Agile – holds people accountable
·         HACK-A-TON
·         Data centric approach
·         Six sigma
·         Lean
·         Project Management

·         Don’t showcase great stuff that is done.
Warringah has great tools and sharing where we can – however many local councils way behind

Still more creativity available – eg Prezzi, mapped stories, creative presentations etc


·         Work fast
·         Develop ideas fast
·         Rapid prototyping
·         Hack-a-thons
·         Slow
·         Lack innovation and skills to develop ideas fast
·         Lack of leadership
·         Unnecessary bureaucracy slows things down


·         Flexible work practises
·         “Fail fast, fail early’ approach
·         Red Tape
·         Probity checks
·         Very low tolerance for failure and learning from failing. Fear of failure can mean speed and flexibility is compromised

Accountable to:
·         The organisation
·         Teams – highly accountable and rely on each other
·         Cross team work
·         Perform or perish

Accountable to:
·         the community
·         the organisation - but some confusion here
·         Teams – accountable to team members
·         Cross team work - No accountability, often struggle to understand who accountable to and what for

·         Protected

Local govt obviously is different to private sector – more transparent, have to justify existence and jobs  are often more secure

There is still a  perception that public sector is slow, inefficient and staff unaccountable

Fun based interaction
·         Encouraged
·         Varies
·         Personality driven
How build into the workplace?

Senior Management /Leaders visible
·         Founders still run many of these companies
·         Q&A with CEO every Friday with a beer

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