GAME-CHANGER - Used practically daily in Silicon Valley and Australia has certainly taken on the phrase lately as well. If a new invention/innovation is sensational and going to take off it’s a game-changer. Sometimes things are good however “it’s not going to be a game-changer”. By the way, my Exchange was a personal "game-changer"
SNAFU - Example of use at Council could include when a city may have a SNAFU with a developer or company. It refers to "Situation Normal All F…… Up” and originated as a military phrase because soldiers report to superior officers using phrases like "situation normal"
DRINKING THE KOOL-AID - I head people refer to others saying "Oh he has drunk the Kool-aid" when they dont agree with an idea someone else might. It is a metaphor commonly used in the United States that refers to a person or group holding an unquestioned belief, argument, or philosophy without critical examination. The phrase typically carries a negative connotation when applied to an individual or group. There are two likely sources for the term: the first is the Ken Kesey Kool-Aid Acid Tests of the 1960s. The second source is the November 1978 Rev. Jim Jones Jonestown Massacre,[1][2] where members of the Peoples Temple were said to have committed suicide by drinking a Kool-Aid drink laced with cyanide.SNAFU - Example of use at Council could include when a city may have a SNAFU with a developer or company. It refers to "Situation Normal All F…… Up” and originated as a military phrase because soldiers report to superior officers using phrases like "situation normal"
Although we know of the following phrases in Australia we do not use them as commonly as I experienced them expressed in meetings in the USA.
“I’m not keen on that idea it would be like TAKING A KNIFE TO A GUN FIGHT”
“This next problem of ours is definitely GOING TO CAUSE BRAIN DAMAGE”"That could CAUSE A FOOD FIGHT"
“Are you DOWN with that?”
“This will be the CACHE of the city”
“We’ve struck a BANANA group” – Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything (or Anyone)
“DO IT AND SAY IT 6 TIMES” used when the team want to change a habit
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